
Behind the scenes of a broadcast: Al Hassan verdict viewed live in Bamako
Behind the scenes of a broadcast: Al Hassan verdict viewed live in Bamako
On 26 June 2024, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Trial Chamber X delivered its verdict in the Al Hassan case, concerning crimes committed between 2012 and 2013 in Timbuktu, northern Mali.
Inspiring Malian youth: a commitment to Justice
Inspiring Malian youth: a commitment to Justice
As I travel the roads of Mali, interacting with young people and local communities, I am constantly reminded of the importance of our outreach mission.
Headphones and camera on
Colleagues in CAR share their “how to’s” for engaging with communities affected by crimes
Info sessions in Mali
The ICC and the communities of Timbuktu meet: a first in the fabled city
“Timbuktu, fabled city of mystery, renowned seat of learning, city of the 333 Wali (saints) …”.A city that gave me everything and to which I am indebted; a city I visit frequently.
Info sessions in Mali
If we don’t have peace …
Mention Timbuktu, fabled city of Tuareg caravans and epicentre of the salt trade in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and the name never fails to captivate.
The power of resilience, innovation and hope
The power of resilience, innovation and hope
I get up in the morning and I step right into Sudan or Georgia or Central African Republic.
Access to information, no matter the distance
Access to information, no matter the distance
It seemed as if the odds were against the public following the trial.
Julien’s story: Stakeholders visit to the Hague
Julien’s story: Stakeholders visit to the Hague
My name is Julien. I am in the ICC Outreach team in The Hague and this is the story of one of the stakeholders visits I helped organize.
Jimmy’s story: To witness the trial is to be part of history
Jimmy’s story: To witness the trial is to be part of history
As an outreach officer in Uganda, I bring the International Criminal Court closer to the communities affected by crimes.
Martin’s story: The Hague trial in Gulu town
Martin’s story: The Hague trial in Gulu town
“Dano weng gu-aa malo”, “All rise!”
Smiles in Carnot
Smiles in Carnot
Carnot is the third of the four towns we planned to visit during our three-week long mission.
Following the sound of megaphone in Yaloké
Following the sound of megaphone in Yaloké
Yaloké was the final destination on our three-week long mission to the South-West of the Central African Republic.
Berbérati welcome
Berbérati welcome

Listening to radio broadcast on Court-related topics is one thing, but talking directly with ICC staff is quite another.

The Road to Boda
The Road to Boda
We were on our way: destination Boda.
Photo Memories
Photo Memories
I work with those living in remote villages, who found a temporary home in the settlements for the internally displaced people (IDP).
IDP settlements in Georgia: A “temporary home” for hundreds of families
IDP settlements in Georgia: A “temporary home” for hundreds of families
It’s been a year since our first information visit to Shavshvebi...
Trauma, healing and hope in northern Uganda
Trauma, healing and hope in northern Uganda
It was a cloudy Thursday morning in October 2017, when we arrived at Te-Okutu village...
Youth Day in the DRC: Celebrating student engagement with peace, justice and the ICC
Youth Day in the DRC: Celebrating student engagement with peace, justice and the ICC
For Youth Day 2017, I am celebrating Congolese students and the ongoing dialogue...
A President, a mosquito net and a journey on foot: The making of an outreach event
A President, a mosquito net and a journey on foot: The making of an outreach event
I was leaving Gulu for Lukodi in Northern Uganda to conduct a town-hall outreach activity...
Ugandans say: “This is the writing of history…about us”
Ugandans say: “This is the writing of history…about us”
In one person’s words, the trial screening “is the writing of history...
Justice Matters in the Central African Republic: CAR and the ICC sign guestbook symbolising mutual cooperation
Justice Matters in the Central African Republic: CAR and the ICC sign guestbook symbolising mutual cooperation
The ICC collaborates with and supports all initiatives to fight the impunity...
Desire for justice: Reactions to Bemba verdict
Desire for justice: Reactions to Bemba verdict
Anticipation was high in Central African Republic (CAR) in the lead-up to the ICC verdict...
Looking forward, looking back: ICC Bemba case continues
Looking forward, looking back: ICC Bemba case continues
Kinshasa. 16:15 p.m. I have just entered the hall...