Academics, researchers and university students around the world play an essential role in promoting a better understanding of the International Criminal Court and international criminal law in general.
This page provides various tools to help academics and university students in their courses and research on the work of the Court and international law more generally.
Online Courses
Practical Information
Watch ICC hearings
View our webstreaming of hearings, generally shown with a 30-minute delay to allow for any necessary redactions of confidential information.
Visit us and attend ICC hearings
ICC hearings are generally open to the public, unless the Chamber orders a closed session. Present a valid ID to the security reception desk to receive a visitor badge.
Groups between 10 and 35 (max) can register a week in advance for a presentation from ICC staff in English or French. Times: 10:00 – 12:00 (Tuesday - Friday) and 13:30 – 15:30 (Monday - Friday).