Civil society organisations played a key role in advocating for the creation of the ICC, and NGOs continue to be important intermediaries for the Court in helping to raise awareness about the ICC worldwide and advocating for the universal acceptance of the Rome Statute.
Dialogue between the Court and NGOs is ongoing. A number of events are held with civil society groups in the countries where the Court is investigating. The ICC also holds a bi-annual roundtable on issues of mutual interest with representatives of international and local NGOs at the seat of the Court in The Hague. In addition, NGO members of the Coalition for the ICC are observers to the sessions of the Assembly of States Parties – ICC’s governing and oversight body. NGOs interested in joining these events can request accreditation via the Coalition or contact the ICC.
For NGOs interested in entering into a more formal role as intermediary for the Court, the ICC has adopted Guidelines Governing the relations between the Court and Intermediaries, which guide these relations.
Submit information
If you have information on alleged crimes, communications and claims can be submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor:
Mail: Information and Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor, Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Or electronically: through the OTPLink
Useful links
ICC Outreach
The ICC has offices in several of the countries in which investigations are being conducted, though not currently in Darfur (Sudan), Georgia or Mali. Those wishing to cooperate with the Court at these local offices, participate in proceedings, assist in Outreach activities, or otherwise engage with the Court in the field are welcome to contact the offices.
Bangui, Central African Republic
Gervais Bodagay, Field Outreach Assistant
+236 75523818
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Caroline Maurel, Associate Outreach Officer (HQ)
+31 70 5159173
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Margot Tedesco, Field Outreach Coordinator
+243 8297 88 013
Bunia, Ituri, DRC
Margot Tedesco, Field Outreach Coordinator
+243 8297 88 013
Nairobi, Kenya
Maria Mabinty Kamara, Outreach Coordinator for Kenya and Uganda
+243 99 801 14 18
Kampala, Uganda
Maria Mabinty Kamara, Outreach Coordinator for Kenya and Uganda
+243 99 801 14 18
Practical information
Watch ICC hearings
View our webstreaming of hearings, generally shown with a 30-minute delay to allow for any necessary redactions of confidential information.
Visit us and attend ICC hearings
ICC hearings are generally open to the public, unless the Chamber orders a closed session. Present a valid ID to the security reception desk to receive a visitor badge.
Contact us
OTP news desk
Office of the Prosecutor
+31 (0) 70 515 89 45
+31 (0) 70 515 87 23
ICC Spokesperson
Fadi El Abdallah
+31 (0) 70 515 91 52
+31 (0) 6 4644 89 38
AV production
Violeta Willemsen-Curcic
+31 (0) 70 515 84 22