The Registry is a neutral organ of the Court that provides services to all other organs so the ICC can function and conduct fair and effective public proceedings. The Registry is responsible for three main categories of services:
- judicial support, including general court management and court records, translation and interpretation, counsel support (including lists of counsel and assistants to counsel, experts, investigators and offices to support the Defence and victims), the detention centre, legal aid, library services, support for victims to participate in proceedings and apply for reparations, for witnesses to receive support and protection;
- external affairs, including external relations, public information and Outreach, field office support, and victims and witness support; and
- management, including security, budget, finance, human resources and general services.
Due to the international nature of the Court's work, the ICC takes extra measures to ensure clear and effective communication with those who wish to follow its proceedings.
For example, the Court facilitates communication through its interpretation and translation services. The Court must hold proceedings in a language that the Defendant understands, and for others in the Courtroom and watching in the Public Galleries or from home. All hearings are conducted in English and French, and interpretation is provided for other languages spoken in the Courtroom. The Court offered Courtroom interpretation in languages including Ahur, Arabic, English, French, Lingala, Sango, Swahili, and Zaghawa.
Since the ICC is international and not a local Court, it is often impossible for most people to attend hearings in person, the ICC makes proceedings available for viewing online via webstreaming from the Court's website.
It also ensures that accurate and timely information about judicial developments reach the general public by producing and disseminating news items, actively engaging with the media, particularly through press conferences and press releases.