The ICC calls for non-staff professional investigators to assist in proceedings.
To qualify to work as a professional investigator as a non-ICC staff member, you must apply to be on the List of Professional Investigators. This List has been created and maintained pursuant to Regulation 137 of the Regulations of the Registry.
Who should apply
Those with:
- Established competence in international or criminal law and procedure.
- At least ten years of relevant experience in investigative work in criminal proceedings at the national or international level.
- Excellent knowledge of and fluency in at least one of the working languages of the Court (English or French). Subject to exceptional circumstances, he or she shall speak at least one of the languages of the country in which the investigation is being conducted.
Candidates who do not meet the qualifications to practice as professional investigators may intervene as resource persons pursuant to Regulation 139 of the Regulations of the Registry.
How to apply
Step 1: Read the ICC Guide for applicants
Step 2: Fill out the application forms and gather the other required materials
- A detailed curriculum vitae
- A certificate issued by the relevant authority of the State(s) in which you are domiciled, stating the existence, if any, of criminal convictions
- Legible copy of birth certificate
- Legible copy of passport / travel document
- 2 passport size pictures
- An indication of competence in the relevant field
Where applicable, please also attach the following documents:
- Original or certified copy of the certificate/license issued by the professional association, administrative authority, governing body and/or the controlling administrative authority
- A statement of whether you are included in any list of investigators acting before any national court, or registered with any association of investigators with which you are registered or a member
- Completed Certificate of good standing
Step 3: Submit your application to:
Registry of the International Criminal Court
Counsel Support Section (Ref: List of Professional Investigators)
PO Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands
Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
Note: The Court specifically encourages and welcomes applications from female candidates, as well as from candidates practicing in countries in which a situation has been brought before the Court.
Interested candidates can contact [email protected] for more information.