
Victims are those who have suffered harm as a result of the commission of any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court.

Victims may include individual people, but also organizations or institutions that have sustained direct harm to any of their property which is dedicated to religion, education, art or science or charitable purposes, and to their historic monuments, hospitals and other places and objects for humanitarian purposes. See Rules of Procedure and Evidence, rules 85 and 86.  

Relevant Court staff are trained to work with victims and address their specific needs, particularly children, elderly persons, persons with disabilities and victims of sexual or gender violence.

Information for victims

Abd-Al-Rahman case
Updated on 16/01/2025
Yekatom and Ngaïssona Case
Updated on 28/03/2024
Al Hassan case
Updated on 26/11/2024
Kony case
Updated on 16/01/2025

Victims play an important role in the Court's proceedings. Pursuant to article 68(3) of the Rome Statute, during judicial proceedings, victims have the right to present their views and concerns directly to the ICC Judges. This is already the case during the pre-trial proceedings, where the Prosecutor seeks the confirmation of charges for a subsequent trial against one or more individuals subject to an arrest warrant or a summons to appear (see article 61 of the Rome Statute). Victims may exercise their participatory rights throughout all instances of judicial proceedings, including appeals. 

Victims' rights to make observations to the ICC on specific topics may commence even before the pre-trial stage (for instance on a question regarding the ICC's jurisdiction or where the Prosecutor decides not to commence an investigation subsequent to victims' communications with the ICC in respect of the situation).

Notably, victims may also claim reparations in case the proceeding lead to a conviction of the accused.

For further general information on the role that victims can play in the proceedings, on how victims can apply for participation and/or for reparations once judicial proceedings commence, and on other related aspects, please continue reading below; in addition, please click here for a detailed general booklet for victims before the ICC.


Victims can apply to participate in judicial proceedings before the ICC through a standard application form. There are specific forms for natural persons and institutions, respectively. The Registry has also developed written guidelines which assist the person and/or organisation filling in the application form. If you are a victim or acting on behalf of victims and if you want to fill in an application form to participate in proceedings before the ICC, please contact the Victims Participation and Reparations Section ("VPRS") of the ICC at the address indicated below. The Section will provide you with all relevant information, forms and other documentation, and any other assistance you may require.

You can also find below the standard application forms for individuals and organisations to participate in proceedings in a Situation before the ICC. Please note that before filling in the form, it is urgently advised that you contact the VPRS so that you can be provided with information and advice as to whether it is appropriate at the respective stage of ICC proceedings to fill out the form, and what participation in ICC proceedings generally entails, including relevant timelines. In addition, the VPRS may provide training and advice as to how to fill in the form correctly (written Guidelines are available for download below), which is very important in order for victims' expectations to be met with adequate Registry advice.

For the first time in the history of international criminal justice, victims have the possibility to share their views and concerns in the proceedings, represented by a lawyer as legal counsel in the courtroom. If a victim or group of victims lacks the necessary means for such a legal representative, the Registry may afford some financial assistance.

Victims do not have to travel to the seat of the Court and their lawyer ensures that at all stages of the proceedings, their views and concerns are heard on matters where their personal interests are affected.

Such participation is voluntary and victims have to fill-in a written application which will be considered by the Court. From this very moment, the identities of victims are protected in the proceedings by a pseudonym attributed to them by the Court (for example: a/0001/18) and their names consequently do not appear in the public domain.

The timing and manner of the victims' participation are determined by the Judges depending on the stage of the proceedings. Victims' lawyers may be notified of submissions made in the relevant case, may attend hearings and make oral submissions, may file written submissions, or be allowed to question witnesses.

The set of rights developed by the Court enables victims, through their lawyers, to express an opinion independently of the Prosecution or the Defence. The various Chambers of the Court have notably recognised that victims' participation assists them in uncovering the truth.


Within the Court, the Office of Public Counsel for the Victims (OPCV) provides legal representation to victims throughout proceedings, as well as assistance and support to external lawyers appointed by victims. The OPCV is an independent office and falls within the Registry solely for administrative purposes. This independence is a prerequisite for carrying out the mandate of assisting and representing legal representatives of victims and victims. Such independence allows the Office to work without being subjected to pressure of any kind and preserves the privileged relationship between victims and their lawyers. The Office has also an important role in enhancing the rights of victims in the proceedings, advocating at different levels and participating in specialised meetings with subsidiary bodies of the Assembly of States Parties and NGOs. For more information, please write at [email protected]

To enquire about the applicable form for specific proceedings, please contact the Victims Participation and Reparations Section of the ICC.

Victims Participation and Reparations Section
International Criminal Court

Po Box 19519
2500 CM, The Hague
The Netherlands

E-mail address: [email protected]

Contact telephone number: +31(0)70 515 95 55

Learn more about representing victims before the ICC as a lawyer, and get more information for legal professionals.

Victims' reparations

Distinct from participation in Court proceedings, victims can seek reparation for the harm that they have suffered.

At the end of a trial, if there is a conviction, the Trial Chamber may order a convicted person to pay reparations to the victims of the crimes of which the person was found guilty. The Court may order such reparations to be paid through the Trust Fund for Victims.

The Court may award reparations on an individual and/or collective basis, whichever is, in its view, the most appropriate for the victims in the particular case.

Collective and/or individual reparations may include monetary compensation, return of property, rehabilitation, medical support, victims' services centres, or symbolic measures such as apologies or memorials.

At this stage of the proceedings, victims are also represented by a lawyer who will be in a position to present relevant information to the Chamber on behalf of his or her clients.

To learn how to apply for reparations as a victim or assist someone in applying to for reparations, contact [email protected].

Assistance to victims

Separate from reparations, which can only be delivered after a defendant has been convicted, the Rome Statute allows for assistance to victims through the Trust Fund for Victims, following a decision by an ICC Pre-Trial Chamber.

Submitting communications to the Office of the Prosecutor

Any individual can send information to the Office of the Prosecutor regarding any alleged crimes falling under the jurisdiction of the Court. Persons with such information can communicate to the Office of the Prosecutor any relevant information for the purposes of an eventual investigation or prosecution at: [email protected], at any time.

International Criminal Court Bar Association

The International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA) is an independent, professional association representing the interests of Counsel and legal Support Staff who represent victims, defendants and other actors (such as witnesses) before the ICC. The ICCBA serves as a collective voice for its membership, and provides them a range of support and services, as well as acting as a forum for discussion on all matters pertaining to the Court. The ICCBA's operations are primarily funded by the subscriptions paid by its members, and it is governed by an elected President (currently Marie-Hélène Proulx) and Executive Council, with eight elected standing committees responsible for specific issues and activities.


