The Untold Stories
of an ICC Outreach Event
Imagine this: Seventeen people, mostly from the ICC office in Bangui, Central African Republic, spending three weeks on the road, visiting four locations: Boda, Berberati, Carnot and Yaloké.
These four towns are part of a larger area that was the scene of an armed conflict between Seleka and Anti-Balaka fighters, from late 2013, throughout 2014. Crimes allegedly committed during this conflict are part of the charges brought in the case of Alfred Yekatom and Patrice Ngaïssona.
Following the arrival of Messrs. Yekatom and Ngaïssona to The Hague, and subsequent joinder of their cases in February 2019, ICC staff in CAR decided to form a long convoy, with the idea to meet the people in these four towns, share the information about the Court’s work, and inform the victims how they can participate in the proceedings.
Three weeks on the road meant big luggage with printed documents for the meetings, a power generator, camp beds and tents, packs of water and food supplies, mosquito nets, first aid kits, bulletproof vests and helmets, personal items… All that, times seventeen.