Twenty-second session of the Assembly of States Parties: Guidelines for the media access

The Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“the Assembly”) will hold its twenty-second session at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 4 to 14 December 2023. During the session, the Assembly will, inter alia, elect the new President of the Assembly for the twenty-third to twenty-fifth sessions, six new judges, and six members of the Committee on Budget and Finance.
Journalists wishing to cover the session and related events must submit an official letter of assignment or copy of their press card via e-mail to [email protected].
The application period for accreditation starts on Monday, 20 November and closes on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 17:00 hours EST.
Media representatives are advised to consult the website of the United Nations Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) in advance of the session in order to apply for the required media accreditation at the United Nations Headquarters. No admittance will be allowed to any of the scheduled events without prior accreditation. Journalists already accredited with the United Nations do not need to submit the letter of assignment or copy of their press card, but are requested to confirm their participation via e-mail to [email protected]. For escort into media designated area within Conference room 4 where the Assembly will be meeting, please go to MALU office located in room S-250 on the second floor of the UN Secretariat building.
Accredited correspondents without cameras are permitted access to open meetings in designated areas (press gallery) within Conference room 4. However, according to rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of States Parties, the Assembly may decide that if exceptional circumstances arise, its meetings may be held in private.
Photo/video correspondents interested in taking photographs and/or filming inside Conference room 4 where the Assembly is holding its session can cover the open meetings from the designated media booths with MALU escort.
Audio/video recordings are permitted only during plenary meetings of the Assembly, excluding elections.
Further information about the twenty-second session can be found on the Assembly website.
N.B.: The Assembly of States Parties does not deal with visa issues. Members of the media are responsible for obtaining an appropriate visa to travel into the United States of America, if needed. Visa may be obtained from a diplomatic or consular mission of the United States of America in the country of residence.
For additional information please contact Ms. Estera Luteranova at +1 646 591 8218 or via email at [email protected].