« Il faut apprendre à survivre »

"After school, I work as a taxi-motor driver till late in the night. I take many risks in this job as Bangui is not a safe city. But these are the things I have to do to support my family," says Charles, 41. He first moved to Bangui back in 1998, leaving behind his hometown of Ndjo (210 km away), as he saw no opportunities for himself there. He established and ran a small shop in PK5 for 15 years. On 5 December 2013, during the crisis in Central African Republic, his shop was destroyed and looted of 2 million CFR worth of his goods and supplies.
Having lost everything, Charles decided to go back to school. After graduating from secondary school, he enrolled in the Academy of Arts and studies communications. "I am twice the age of most students here, but I am not ashamed."
​"It's important to have alternatives; one must learn how to survive," says Charles, standing with his wife Patricia, 33, and their 5 children. Patricia is expecting their 6th child.

Photo: Rena Effendi for the ICC #LifeAfterConflict - Stories as told to ICC Outreach @renaeffendiphoto