Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge


19 janvier 2015 | Chambre de première instance I | Décision

Situation: Situation en République de Côte d’Ivoire

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (169.9 Ko | 3 Pages)


ICC-02/11-02/11-199-Anx, Decision designating a Single Judge pursuant to Rule 132bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence
Anglais (80.91 Ko | 4 Pages)

Documents Connexes

19 janvier 2015, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge (169.9 Ko | 3 Pages)
ICC-02/11-02/11-199 | Trial Chamber I

19 janvier 2015, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge (169.9 Ko | 3 Pages)
ICC-02/11-02/11-199 | Trial Chamber I