Consolidated decision on three Prosecutor’s Applications for extension of time limits and submission of evidence (filings 869, 874 and 875)


15 mai 2017 | Chambre de première instance I | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé
Situation: Situation en République de Côte d’Ivoire

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (400.23 Ko | 9 Pages)

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6 avril 2017, Prosecution’s request for an extension of time pursuant to regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court and application to submit documentary evidence under paragraph 43 of the Directions on the conduct of the proceedings relating to the testimony of Wi (187.71 Ko | 7 Pages)
ICC-02/11-01/15-869 | Bureau du Procureur

12 avril 2017, Prosecution’s application to submit video evidence related to the Bar le Baron speech, to present fullest possible reading of the speech (240.63 Ko | 13 Pages)
ICC-02/11-01/15-875 | Bureau du Procureur