09 mai 2020 | Bureau du conseil public pour les victimes | Réponse
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé
Situation: Situation en République de Côte d’Ivoire
Classé au cours de la Appel phase
Document: Anglais (420.45 Ko | 10 Pages)
Documents Connexes
26 novembre 2019, Decision on victim participation
(317.11 Ko | 6 Pages)
| Appeals Chamber
20 mars 2020, Order scheduling a hearing before the Appeals Chamber and setting a time limit for any request for leave to reply
(274.02 Ko | 5 Pages)
| Appeals Chamber
17 avril 2020, Prosecution’s application to postpone or cancel the appeal hearing scheduled for 11-13 May 2020 and to consider alternative proposals to expedite the appeal
(535.17 Ko | 15 Pages)
| Bureau du Procureur
20 avril 2020, CLRV Response to the “Prosecution’s application to postpone or cancel the appeal hearing scheduled for 11-13 May 2020 and to consider alternative proposals to expedite the appeal”
(327.58 Ko | 5 Pages)
| Office of Public Counsel for Victims
21 avril 2020, Réponse de la Défense à la « Prosecution’s application to postpone or cancel the appealhearing scheduled for 11-13 May 2020 and to consider alternative proposals to expedite the appeal » (ICC-02/11-01/15-1330).
(362.89 Ko | 19 Pages)
| Defence: Laurent Gbagbo
21 avril 2020, Blé Goudé Defence Response to the “Prosecution’s application to postpone or cancel theappeal hearing scheduled for 11-13 May 2020 and to consider alternative proposals to expedite the appeal” (ICC-02/11-01/15-1330)
(364.85 Ko | 7 Pages)
30 avril 2020, Decision rescheduling, and directions on, the hearing before the Appeals Chamber
(260.99 Ko | 10 Pages)
| Appeals Chamber
17 juin 2020, Decision rescheduling the hearing before the Appeals Chamber
(280.15 Ko | 13 Pages)
| Appeals Chamber