Decision concerning the trial commencement date, the date for final prosecution disclosure, and summonses to appear for trial and further hearings


13 mars 2013 | Chambre de première instance IV | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain
Situation: Situation au Darfour, Soudan

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (757.79 Ko | 16 Pages)

Documents Connexes

24 janvier 2013, Public Redacted Version of the "Submission of the Registrar pursuant to 24 bis of the Regulation of the Court concerning the possible date for the commencement of the Trial"(ICC-02/05-03/09-434-Conf-Exp) filed on 20 December 2012 (520.69 Ko | 14 Pages)
ICC-02/05-03/09-434-Red | Registrar

18 novembre 2013, Decision on the Prosecution's application for redactions; the Common Legal Representative request for disclosure; the Defence request for reclassification; and Decision establishing simplified proceedings related to future applications for non-disclosur (807.09 Ko | 16 Pages)
ICC-02/05-03/09-524 | Trial Chamber IV