02 juin 2017 | Chambre préliminaire II | Décision
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir
Situation: Situation au Darfour, Soudan
Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase
Document: Anglais (494.66 Ko | 6 Pages)
Documents Connexes
24 mai 2017, Transmission of a note verbale from the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom ofJordan dated 24 May 2017
(183.57 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Registrar
26 avril 2017, Decision inviting the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to provide any further submissions on its failure to arrest and surrender Omar Al-Bashir to the Court
(492.2 Ko | 6 Pages)
| Chambre préliminaire II