Defence Request to Reply to ICC-02/04-01/15-2037-Conf and ICC-02/04-01/15-2038-Conf


14 avril 2023 | Défense : Ongwen | Requête

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Dominic Ongwen
Situation: Situation en Ouganda

Classé au cours de la Réparations/Compensations phase


Document: Anglais (255.45 Ko | 9 Pages)

Documents Connexes

11 avril 2023, CLRV Response to the “Defence Request for an Order to Disclose the Names of the Victim Sample Pool of Participating Victims” (431.35 Ko | 9 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/15-2037 | Office of Public Counsel for Victims

11 avril 2023, Victims’ Response to the Defence Request for an Order to Disclose the Names of the Victim Sample Pool of Participating Victims (381.38 Ko | 7 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/15-2038 | Legal Representatives of Victims