01 novembre 2019 | Chambre de première instance IX | Décision
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Dominic Ongwen
Situation: Situation en Ouganda
Classé au cours de la Procès phase
Document: Anglais (305.02 Ko | 5 Pages)
Documents Connexes
1 février 2019, Defence Motion on Defects in the Confirmation of Charges Decision: Defects in Notice and Violations of Fair Trial (Part I of the Defects Series)
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| Defence: Ongwen
1 février 2019, Defence Motion on Defects in the Confirmation of Charges Decision: Defects in the Modes of Liability (Part II of the Defects Series)
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| Defence: Ongwen
1 février 2019, Defence Motion on Defects in the Confirmation of Charges Decision: Defects in Notice in Pleading of Command Responsibility under Article 28(a) and Defects in Pleading of Common Purpose Liability under Article 25(3)(d)(i) or (ii) (Part III of the Defe
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1 février 2019, Defence Motion on Defects in the Confirmation of Charges Decision: Defects in the Charged Crimes (Part IV of the Defects Series)
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| Defence: Ongwen
14 mars 2019, Defence Request for Leave to Appeal ‘Decision on Defence Motions Alleging Defects in the Confirmation Decision (ICC-02/04-01/15-1476), notified 7 March 2019
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| Defence: Ongwen
1 avril 2019, Decision on Defence Request for Leave to Appeal a Decision on Motions Alleging Defects in the Confirmation Decision
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| Trial Chamber IX
17 juillet 2019, Judgment on the appeal of Mr Dominic Ongwen against Trial Chamber IX’s ‘Decision on Defence Motions Alleging Defects in the Confirmation Decision’
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| Appeals Chamber
8 octobre 2019, Decision on Further Defence Motion Alleging Defects in the Confirmation Decision
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| Trial Chamber IX
14 octobre 2019, Defence Request for Leave to Appeal ‘Decision on Further Defence Motion Alleging Defects in the Confirmation Decision’
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| Defence: Ongwen
14 octobre 2019, Public Redacted Version of “Motions on Defects in the Confirmation Decision Regarding SGBC”
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| Defence: Ongwen