Notification of the Appointment of Mr Michael Donen as Legal Adviser to Witness D26-P-0032


10 janvier 2019 | Greffier | Avis

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Dominic Ongwen
Situation: Situation en Ouganda

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (196.58 Ko | 4 Pages)

Documents Connexes

22 juillet 2016, Annex 1 to the Decision on Protocols to be Adopted at Trial (465.46 Ko | 25 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/15-504-Anx1 | Trial Chamber IX

22 janvier 2019, Notification of the Appointment of Mr Llewelyn Gray Curlewis as Legal Adviser to Witness D26-P-0032 (433.18 Ko | 4 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/15-1417 | Registrar