Public Redacted Version of “Prosecutor’s Request that the Warrant of Arrest for Vincent OTTI Be Withdrawn and Rendered without Effect because of His Death (ICC-02/04-01/05-315-Conf-Exp, dated 7 October 2008)”


13 Décembre 2022 | Bureau du Procureur | Requête

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Joseph Kony et Vincent Otti
Situation: Situation en Ouganda

Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase


Document: Anglais (709.24 Ko | 12 Pages)

Documents Connexes

8 juillet 2005, Decision on the prosecutor’s application for the warrants of arrest under Article 58 (387.32 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/05-1 | Chambre préliminaire II

10 juillet 2007, Decision to terminate the proceedings against Raska Lukwiya (1.47 Mo | 5 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/05-248 | Chambre préliminaire II

13 Décembre 2022, Public Redacted Version of the “Renewed Request to Terminate Proceedings against Vincent Otti on Account of His Death (ICC-02/04-01/05-443 dated 28 March 2022)” (598.59 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/05-443-Red | Bureau du Procureur

13 Décembre 2022, Public Redacted Version of “Communication of further information received from the Government of Uganda about the death of Vincent Otti (ICC-02/04-02/05-444 dated 23 May 2022)” (377.78 Ko | 7 Pages)
ICC-02/04-01/05-444-Red | Bureau du Procureur