Public Redacted Version of “Judgment on the appeal of Mr Mahamat Said Abdel Kani against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled ‘Decision on the “Prosecution’s Request for Extension of Contact Restrictions”’”, 29 June 2021, ICC-01/14-01/21-111


17 mai 2022 | Chambre d’appel | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Mahamat Said Abdel Kani
Situation: Situation en République centrafricaine II

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (1.23 Mo | 30 Pages)

Documents Connexes

29 avril 2022, Order on the filing of public redacted versions of documents (307.85 Ko | 3 Pages)
ICC-01/14-01/21-288 | Appeals Chamber

5 mai 2022, Public Redacted Version of “Prosecution response to “Mémoire d’appel de la Défense au soutien de son appel contre la “Decision on the ‘Prosecution’s Request for Extension of Contact Restrictions” (ICC-01/14- 01/21-31-Conf) du Juge Unique rendue le 5 (678.49 Ko | 21 Pages)
ICC-01/14-01/21-72-Red | Bureau du Procureur