Decision on Defence request for reconsideration and, in the alternative, leave to appeal the ‘Decision on witness preparation and familiarisation’


09 avril 2020 | Chambre de première instance X | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud
Situation: Situation en République du Mali

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (105.8 Ko | 13 Pages)

Documents Connexes

17 mars 2020, Decision on witness preparation and familiarisation (286.72 Ko | 22 Pages)
ICC-01/12-01/18-666 | Chambre de première instance X

23 mars 2020, Public redacted version of ‘Defence request for reconsideration, or in the alternative, leave to appeal the “Decision on witness preparation and familiarisation” (ICC-01/12-01/18-666)’ (127.04 Ko | 14 Pages)
ICC-01/12-01/18-678-Red | Defence: Al Hassan

10 mars 2022, Decision on Defence request for leave to appeal ‘Decision on the introduction into evidence of P-0524’s prior recorded testimony pursuant to Rule 68(2)(b) of the Rules’ and ‘Decision on the Prosecution’s fourth, fifth and sixth requests for the admis (458.65 Ko | 7 Pages)
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