Transmission of the request of Libya for extension of time limit to submit observations regarding the arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi


09 janvier 2012 | Greffier | Transmission

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi et Abdullah Al-Senussi
Situation: Situation en Libye

Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase


Document: Anglais (95.14 Ko | 5 Pages)

Documents Connexes

9 janvier 2012, Public redacted version of the Transmission of the request of Libya for extension of time limit to submit observations regarding the arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi (625.16 Ko | 5 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-41-Red | Registrar

10 janvier 2012, Decision on the request of Libya for extension of time limit to submit observations regarding the arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi (131.53 Ko | 4 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-42 | Pre-Trial Chamber I

9 janvier 2012, OPCD Response to the Request of the Libyan Authorities for an Extension of Time (570.59 Ko | 13 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-43 | Office of Public Counsel for Defence

4 avril 2012, Decision on Reclassification of Documents (413.15 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-99 | Pre-Trial Chamber I