Lesser redacted version of “Corrected version of “Public redacted version of “Prosecution’s response to ‘Paul Gicheru’s Written Submissions on the Confirmation of Charges’, ICC-01/09-01/20-141-Conf””, 7 May 2021”, 10 May 2021


01 juin 2023 | Bureau du Procureur | Réponse

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Paul Gicheru
Situation: Situation en République du Kenya

Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase


Document: Anglais (508.96 Ko | 22 Pages)

Documents Connexes

10 mai 2021, Corrected version of “Public redacted version of “Prosecution’s response to “Paul Gicheru’s Written Submissions on the Confirmation of Charges”, ICC-01/09-01/20-141-Conf’”, 7 May 2021, ICC-01/09-01/20-145-Red (346.87 Ko | 21 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/20-145-Red-Corr | Bureau du Procureur

9 mai 2021, Corrected version of “Public redacted version of “Prosecution’s response to “Paul Gicheru’s Written Submissions on the Confirmation of Charges”, ICC-01/09-01/20-141-Conf’”, 7 May 2021, ICC-01/09-01/20-145-Red (346.87 Ko | 21 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/20-145-Red-Corr | Bureau du Procureur

9 mai 2021, Corrected version of “Public redacted version of “Prosecution’s response to “Paul Gicheru’s Written Submissions on the Confirmation of Charges”, ICC-01/09-01/20-141-Conf’”, 7 May 2021, ICC-01/09-01/20-145-Red (346.87 Ko | 21 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/20-145-Red-Corr | Bureau du Procureur