08 mars 2021 | Chambre d’appel | Décision
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Paul Gicheru
Situation: Situation en République du Kenya
Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase
ICC-01/09-01/20-107-Anx, Annex to the Judgment on the appeal of the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber A of 10 December 2020 entitled ‘Decision on the Applicability of Provisional Rule 165 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidenc
(475.7 Ko | 4 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/20-107-Anx-tFRA, Annex to the Judgment on the appeal of the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber A of 10 December 2020 entitled ‘Decision on the Applicability of Provisional Rule 165 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence’
(396.09 Ko | 6 Pages)
Documents Connexes
10 Décembre 2020, Decision on the Applicability of Provisional Rule 165 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence
(555.69 Ko | 22 Pages)
| Pre-Trial Chamber A
10 mars 2021, Prosecution’s Request to Reclassify Filing ICC-01/09-01/20-95
(351.17 Ko | 3 Pages)
| Bureau du Procureur