Observations of the Defence for Mr Fidèle Babala on the constituent elements of the offence against the administration of justice under article 70 and on the modes of liability and their applicability (ICC-01/05-01/13-T-8-CONF-FRA)


01 juin 2015 | Défense : Babala | Observations

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu et Narcisse Arido
Situation: Situation en République centrafricaine

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (198.56 Ko | 10 Pages) | Original: French (388.68 Ko | 9 Pages)