02 juin 2015 | Chambre de première instance VI | Décision
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Bosco Ntaganda
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo
Classé au cours de la Procès phase
Document: Anglais (1.08 Mo | 24 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-619-Anx, Annex to - Decision on the conduct of proceedings
(25.78 Ko | 1 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-619-Anx-tENG, Annex to - Decision on the conduct of proceedings
(67.51 Ko | 1 Pages)
Documents Connexes
12 mars 2015, Order requesting submissions on the conduct of proceedings pursuant to Rule 140 of the Rules and on modalities of victims' participation at trial
(390.1 Ko | 11 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI
6 avril 2015, Joint submissions on the conduct of proceedings
(342.12 Ko | 30 Pages)
| Office of Public Counsel for Victims
6 avril 2015, Prosecution submissions on the conduct of proceedings and the modalities of victim participation at trial
(318.36 Ko | 30 Pages)
| Bureau du Procureur
6 avril 2015, Submissions on behalf of Mr Ntaganda on the conduct of proceedings and on modalities of victims’ participation at trial
(842.42 Ko | 21 Pages)
| Défense
6 avril 2015, Registry Observations in response to "Order requesting submissions on the conduct of proceedings pursuant to Rule 140 of the Rules and on modalities of victims' participation at trial" (ICC-01/04-02/06-507)
(218.17 Ko | 7 Pages)
| Registrar
15 avril 2015, Prosecution’s proposed procedure for challenges to expert testimony
(130.96 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Bureau du Procureur
27 mai 2016, Supplemental decision on matters related to the conduct of proceedings
(198.22 Ko | 10 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI
27 mai 2016, Decision on Defence request for admission of documents used during the testimony of Witness P-0933
(176.42 Ko | 7 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI
28 Décembre 2016, Order referring certain translation matters to the Registry
(159.45 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI
11 janvier 2017, Order relating to the deadline for any requests by the Legal Representatives of Victims to present evidence or views and concerns of victims
(166.75 Ko | 5 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI
30 janvier 2017, Decision supplementing the Decision on the Conduct of Proceedings (ICC 01/0402/06-619) and providing directions related to preparations for the presentation of evidence by the Defence
(318.99 Ko | 7 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI
22 Décembre 2017, Order providing directions related to the closure of the presentation of evidence
(485.11 Ko | 8 Pages)
| Trial Chamber VI