Request for a variation of time limit to submit the Defence response to “Registry’s observations, pursuant to the Single Judge’s ‘Order for preliminary informationon reparations’ of 25 July 2019, ICC-01/04-02/06-2366”


18 septembre 2019 | Défense | Requête

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Bosco Ntaganda
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo

Classé au cours de la Réparations/Compensations phase


Document: Anglais (150.19 Ko | 5 Pages)

Documents Connexes

25 juillet 2019, Order for preliminary information on reparations (302.52 Ko | 4 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2366 | Trial Chamber VI

5 septembre 2019, Registry's observations, pursuant to the Single Judge's "Order for preliminary information on reparations" of 25 July 2019, ICC-01/04-02/06-2366 (194.51 Ko | 4 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2391 | Registrar

3 octobre 2019, Trust Fund for Victims’ response to the Registry’s Preliminary Observations pursuant to the Order for Preliminary Information on Reparations (495.95 Ko | 13 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2428 | Trust Fund for Victims

3 octobre 2019, Joint Response of the Legal Representatives of Victims to the Registry’s Observations on Reparations (582.67 Ko | 22 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2430 | Office of Public Counsel for Victims