20 novembre 2019 | Chambre de première instance II | Décision
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Germain Katanga
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo
Classé au cours de la Réparations/Compensations phase
Document: Français (1.68 Mo | 5 Pages)
Documents Connexes
10 février 2022, Corrigendum of ‘Order on the reclassification of documents’
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18 novembre 2019, Update report on the implementation of the income generating activities modality of the collective reparations awards pursuant to regulation 58 of the Regulations of the Trust Fund for Victims and Request for approval of one proposed alternative impl
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2 août 2019, Observations concernant le « Update report on the implementation of the collective reparations awards and Request for approval of implementation proposals pursuant to regulation 58 of the Regulations of the Trust Fund for Victims »
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