30 janvier 2019 | Défense : Katanga | Requête
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Germain Katanga
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo
Classé au cours de la Exécution de peines d’emprisonnement phase
Documents Connexes
7 avril 2016, Decision pursuant to article 108(1) of the Rome Statute
(203.81 Ko | 13 Pages)
| Presidency
4 février 2019, Order concerning the “Defence Application for Reconsideration of the Presidency Decision pursuant to article 108(1) of the Rome Statute”
(98.85 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Presidency
4 février 2019, Ordonnance relative à la Requête de la Défense aux fins de réexamen de la Décision rendue en application de l’article 108-1 du Statut de Rome par la Présidence
(70.08 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Presidency
20 mars 2019, Transmission of the Views of the Congolese Authorities on the “Defence Application for Reconsideration of the Presidency Decision pursuant to article 108(1) of the Rome Statute”
(455.84 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Registrar
1 avril 2019, Defence Request for disclosure of the Views of the Congolese Authorities on the “Defence Application for Reconsideration of the Presidency Decision pursuant to article 108(1) of the Rome Statute”
(306.86 Ko | 4 Pages)
| Defence: Katanga
26 juin 2019, Decision on ‘Defence Application for Reconsideration of the Presidency “Decision pursuant to article 108(1) of the Rome Statute”’ (ICC-01/04-01/07-3821-Red)
(1.37 Mo | 18 Pages)
| Presidency
8 avril 2019, Defence Observations on the document ‘Transmission of the Views of the Congolese Authorities on the Defence Application for Reconsideration of the Presidency Decision pursuant to article 108(1) of the Rome Statute’
(355 Ko | 8 Pages)
| Defence: Katanga