Notice of Appeal against the ˝Ordonnance de réparation en vertu de l’article 75 du Statut˝ and its Annex II


24 avril 2017 | Représentants légaux des victimes | Transmission

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Germain Katanga
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo

Classé au cours de la Réparations/Compensations phase


Document: Anglais (159.45 Ko | 5 Pages) | Original: French (371.64 Ko | 5 Pages)

Documents Connexes

27 février 2018, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeals against the order of Trial Chamber II of 24 March 2017 entitled “Order for Reparations pursuant to Article 75 of the Statute” (1.84 Mo | 3 Pages)
ICC-01/04-01/07-3776 | Appeals Chamber

16 mars 2018, Order Instructing the Legal Representative of Victims and the Defence Team for Germain Katanga to File Submissions Further to the Appeals Chamber Judgment on Reparations of 8 March 2018 (142.76 Ko | 6 Pages)
ICC-01/04-01/07-3779-tENG | Trial Chamber II