Corrigendum to “Prosecution Response to Defence Document in Support of Appeal against the Decision on the implementation of regulation 55 of the Regulations of the Court and severing the charges against the accused persons”


22 January 2013 | Office of the Prosecutor | Response

Affaire: The Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga
Situation: Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Classé au cours de la Trial phase


Document: English (479.55 Ko | 39 Pages)

Documents Connexes

10 janvier 2013, Defence’s Document in Support of Appeal Against the Decision on the implementation of regulation 55 of the Regulations of the Court and severing the charges against the accused persons (371.81 Ko | 36 Pages)
ICC-01/04-01/07-3339 | Défense

20 janvier 2013, Prosecution Response to Defence Document in Support of Appeal against the Decision on the implementation of regulation 55 of the Regulations of the Court and severing the charges against the accused persons (478.82 Ko | 39 Pages)
ICC-01/04-01/07-3347 | Bureau du Procureur