Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Katanga Against the Decision of Trial Chamber II of 20 November 2009 Entitled "Decision on the Motion of the Defence for Germain Katanga for a Declaration on Unlawful Detention and Stay of Proceedings"


15 juillet 2010 | Chambre d’appel | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Germain Katanga
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (2.12 Mo | 32 Pages) | Translation(s): Russian (533.01 Ko | 39 Pages) Chinese (420.08 Ko | 26 Pages) Spanish (265.95 Ko | 34 Pages) French (182.77 Ko | 35 Pages) Standard Arabic (394.06 Ko | 37 Pages)

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27 juillet 2010, Russian translation of Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Katanga Against the Decision of Trial Chamber II of 20 November 2009 Entitled "Decision on the Motion of the Defence for Germain Katanga for a Declaration on Unlawful Detention and Stay of (754.41 Ko | 60 Pages)
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28 juillet 2010, Arabic Translation of the Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Katanga Against the Decision of Trial Chamber II of 20 November 2009 Entitled "Decision on the Motion of the Defence for Germain Katanga for a Declaration on Unlawful Detention and Stay of Proceed (798.63 Ko | 53 Pages)
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