07 novembre 2017 | Chambre de première instance II | Décision
Affaire: Le Procureur c. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo
Classé au cours de la Réparations/Compensations phase
Document: Français (2.33 Mo | 4 Pages)
Documents Connexes
21 octobre 2016, Order approving the proposed plan of the Trust Fund for Victims in relation to symbolic collective reparations
(3.25 Mo | 9 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
8 Décembre 2016, Order instructing the Trust Fund for Victims to Submit Information regarding Collective Reparations
(2.87 Mo | 7 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
13 février 2017, Information regarding Collective Reparations
(813.53 Ko | 56 Pages)
| Trust Fund for Victims
6 avril 2017, Order approving the proposed programmatic framework for collective service-based reparations submitted by the Trust Fund for Victims
(3.37 Mo | 9 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
19 avril 2017, Second progress report on the implementation of symbolic collective reparations as per the Trial Chamber II order of 21 October 2016
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| Trust Fund for Victims