

Jujina, approximately 73, walks 2km along the dusty isolated road to church alone on Sundays. It is the only respite from her nearly solitary life of farming, gardening and caring for her husband.

Jujina’s bible lies open to the book of Job. She reads it often. Her bible is among her most precious personal affects, along with her radio, most times her only connection with others. It fills the silence, providing company, music, news, and information from the outside world.

“I try to find consolation in the bible and when I go to church – to find meaning in the new life I am living.” During the conflict, Jujina’s daughter was killed and the grandchildren who had been living with her were abducted, never to return.

Jujina arrives at church. Though larger Catholic and Protestant churches are common in Northern Uganda, many smaller sects were built specifically to help respond to people’s grievances and spiritual needs stemming from the conflict.

Jujina with the pastor and others gathering at the church. Many say they come to the church to heal, find meaning and forgive.

The path back home. The normal family support system, where multiple generations live together and help each other, broke down during the conflict in Northern Uganda. Suddenly you would see child-headed households with no elders to guide them, or elders on their own, with no one to care for and no one to help support them in their old age.
Photo: Pete Muller for the ICC #LifeAfterConflict - Stories as told to ICC Outreach @pete_k_muller