

In Focus

In Palestine, Outreach focuses on increasing knowledge about the Court and providing correct information about its work, jurisdiction and mandate. The information is shared in Arabic and Hebrew. The team is using online tools, information sessions and meetings.


In 2022, activities in relation to Palestine remained limited due to the absence of judicial developments and limited resources.

Nevertheless the Outreach Unit hosted several stakeholder visits – some in cooperation with partners – with the aim of raising awareness of the mandate and jurisdiction of the Court. Participants had an opportunity to meet with various ICC staff and obtain more detailed information about the work of the Court, the different organs and the proceedings, to follow hearings from the public gallery and have their questions answered.

The Outreach Unit also launched a series of online information sessions. In addition, it has been producing and distributing general and situation-specific information materials in Arabic and Hebrew and is planning to continue some limited activities in 2023, in cooperation with partners.

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International Criminal Court




Use of online information sessions about victims’ rights

More than 60 participants attended the two-day online information session on victims’ rights at the ICC


Stakeholders from Palestine visit the ICC

The delegation from Palestine received information about the Court’s work through interaction with ICC staff