In Focus
In Burundi, Outreach focuses on cooperation with the ICC Network of Burundian Journalists (Réseau des Journalistes Burundais pour la Cour Pénale Internationale, “RJB-CPI”) and member organisations of the Coalition for the ICC. The goal is to increase knowledge about the Court among media, the general population, the legal community, refugees and groups working with them.
In 2022, the outreach team continued discussions with the ICC Network of Burundian Journalists (Réseau des Journalistes Burundais pour la Cour Pénale Internationale, “RJB-CPI”) and the member organizations of the Coalition for the ICC to develop cooperation projects aimed at raising awareness of the country among different target groups – including the media – and through them, the general population, in particular the legal community, refugees and groups working with them.
To provide further information to victims and affected communities, the Burundian Coalition for the ICC continued the campaign - in partnership with PIOS - to convey messages responding to key questions about the ICC via radio, social media and dedicated WhatsApp groups, to share outreach tools and to answer questions from the member organizations.
Contact us
Violeta Willemsen Curcic
Head of Outreach Unit
Greta Barbone
Outreach Officer
Caroline Maurel
Outreach Officer