

In Focus

Outreach work in Bangladesh/Myanmar focuses on online activities. The team collaborates with partners on the ground that are delivering information to affected communities, in local languages. The focus is to increase knowledge and understanding of the ICC and address the questions and concerns of the Rohingya population.

In 2022, the outreach team launched an “Open Dialogue” series, engaging directly with affected communities and the host country representatives through online activities, and providing general information on the ICC. The series is designed to manage expectations and to respond to the most frequently asked questions about the ICC and the current phase of the investigation being carried out by the Office of the Prosecutor, in which no major judicial activities are taking place.

The Public Information and Outreach Section has developed a campaign to address the most common questions and concerns of the Rohingya people, and increase knowledge and understanding of the ICC among the affected communities. The first animations in Rohingya have been produced and distributed. The campaign will continue with video and audio Q&A sessions. 

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International Criminal Court




Keeping the affected communities well informed

Infographics, animations and audio files with information in Rohingya are distributed to the affected communities in Cox’s Bazar to inform them abo


Local languages - key to understanding

ICC Outreach produced an animated series in Rohingya to bring the Court closer to the communities in Cox’s Bazar 


In-person meetings with affected communities

The Outreach team travelled to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, to talk about the opening of investigations in the Myanmar situation