Information for victims

Information for victims

Updated on 26/11/2024

The Victims Participation and Reparations Section (VPRS) of the Registry is responsible for assisting victims with the process of applying to participate in the proceedings, and of applying to receive reparations in the event of a conviction. It may also assist the victims and the Chamber in finding suitable legal representation for the victims in the proceedings.

Victims may participate in proceedings before the International Criminal Court (ICC). The bench in this case authorized 2,196 victims, who had submitted applications, to participate in the trial between 14 July 2020 and 25 May 2023. Those victims are represented by three lawyers appointed to act as their common legal representatives (Mr Seydou Doumbia, Mr Mayombo Kassongo and Mr Fidel Luvengika Nsita), operating as a single team funded by legal aid from the Court.

On 26 June 2024, the Trial Judgment in Mr Al Hassan’s case was delivered. The judges of Trial Chamber X convicted Mr Al Hassan, by majority, of some of the charges against him, which concerned war crimes and crimes against humanity committed between 2 April 2012 and 29 January 2013 in Timbuktu, northern Mali, then under the control of the armed groups Ansar Dine and Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

Specifically, Mr Al Hassan was convicted of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed between early May 2012 and 29 January 2013 in the city of Timbuktu, Mali, when it was under the control of AQIM and he was a senior member of the Islamic Police. The crimes of which Mr Al Hassan was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, for having committed them directly himself, contributed to them with others or aided and abetted their commission by others, are the following: torture; cruel treatment; mutilation; outrages upon personal dignity; sentencing without due process; persecution on religious grounds; and other inhumane acts.

The Chamber found that certain crimes of sexual violence had been committed in Timbuktu during the time frame of the charges, but that there was insufficient evidence that Mr Al Hassan was responsible for those crimes beyond reasonable doubt. Consequently, Mr Al Hassan was acquitted of the crimes of rape; sexual slavery; other inhumane acts including forced marriage; persecution on gender grounds; and attacking protected objects.

On 20 November 2024, Mr Al Hassan was sentenced. In determining the sentence, the Chamber assessed the gravity of each of the crimes, including Mr Al Hassan’s degree of participation and intent, aggravating and mitigating circumstances, and Mr Al Hassan’s individual circumstances. After hearing the Prosecution and the Defence and receiving observations from the Legal Representatives of Victims, the Chamber sentenced Mr Al Hassan to 10 years’ imprisonment. The judges highlighted the gravity of the crimes he had committed, sometimes against victims who were particularly vulnerable on account of their age, and pointed to the considerable suffering inflicted on the victims and their families and the numerous consequences for them. His time spent in detention, from 28 March 2018 to 20 November 2024, will be deducted from the total term of imprisonment imposed.

The Prosecutor and the Defence have both appealed the Trial Judgment of 26 June 2024 and may also appeal the Sentencing Judgment of 20 November 2024. On 18 September 2024, the parties filed notices of appeal against the Trial Judgment and were granted an extension of time until 5 December 2024 to file their appeal briefs. The parties may appeal the Sentencing Judgment within 30 days of its notification. A different bench of five judges, sitting as the Appeals Chamber, will consider the legal arguments in support of each party’s appeal. During the appeal proceedings, the Legal Representatives of Victims may request permission to submit observations concerning the interests of the victims. It thus remains to be seen whether the conviction will be confirmed on appeal, and whether the sentence will be appealed.

Regardless of whether they participated in the proceedings, victims of the crimes of which Mr Al Hassan was convicted may apply for reparations. Following the Trial Judgment and the Sentencing Judgment, the Chamber will make an order on reparations to the victims in due course. The order will determine the principles applicable to the reparations, including who is to receive them, the extent of the damage caused to the victims and the modalities of reparations. Before making the order, the Chamber may invite representations from the convicted person, victims (through their legal representatives) and experts in particular.

Subject to the particulars of the forthcoming reparations order, reparations may be sought by, or in respect of, direct and indirect victims of the crimes committed between early May 2012 and 29 January 2013 in the city of Timbuktu, Mali, and of which Mr Al Hassan was convicted.

The VPRS provides application forms for participation and/or reparations. However, in order to provide the best guidance and assistance to victims wishing to apply to participate in the reparations proceedings before the Court, it is recommended to wait for a judicial decision on the modalities and process of reparations. It should also be noted that the reparations proceedings may take some time and that, in the event of an appeal, any reparations ordered by the Chamber will not be implemented until the Appeals Chamber has given a final decision on Mr Al Hassan’s criminal responsibility.

Available forms

Victims may use one of two forms: one for individuals and one for organizations. (NB rule 85(b) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence provides that participation in ICC proceedings is open to organizations or institutions that, as a result of crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC, have sustained direct harm to any of their property which is dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable or humanitarian purposes, or to their historic monuments or hospitals.)

The PDF forms and instructions on how to complete them can be downloaded by clicking on the corresponding links below.

Once a judicial decision has been given on the modalities and process of reparations, victims wishing to complete application forms for participation in the reparations proceedings will be asked to contact the VPRS and the ICC country office in Bamako: +223 76 94 67 69, +223 73 75 94 35.

For questions about the participation of victims in the proceedings, how to complete the application form or any other matter, please contact the Victims Participation and Reparations Section at [email protected]

Please note that the application form for participation and/or reparations is not for submitting or providing evidence in proceedings before the ICC. Evidence gathering is not within the remit of the Victims Participation and Reparations Section and falls solely to the parties to the proceedings, first and foremost the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC (the Defence may also gather evidence). As the safety of victims is paramount, it is important to take precautions such as avoiding any mention, to other persons or in public, of the victims’ involvement or interaction with the ICC. It is also important to avoid actions that could expose the victims and place them or others in danger, such as public statements in the media or social media posts which could reveal their interaction with the ICC.

PDF forms

Please click on the relevant language below if you wish to open, download and/or print a PDF version of the form.

Application form for participation and/or reparations for individuals


How to complete the form


Application form for participation and/or reparations for organizations/institutions


How to complete the form


Online application form

Please note that the online form is available in English and French.

Application form for participation and/or reparations for individuals


For more information about victims, please click here.

Information booklet for victims before the ICC

English, Français