ICC - Statements by ICC Chief Prosecutor and the visiting Delegation of Acholi leaders from northern Uganda
Press Release
Statements by ICC Chief Prosecutor and the visiting Delegation of Acholi leaders from northern Uganda
On 16-18 March 2005, leaders of the Acholi community of northern Uganda visited the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands, at the invitation of Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo who heard their views on the situation in northern Uganda.
The delegation was led by Rwot David Onen Acana II and included Archbishop John Baptist Odama, Bishop Onono-Onweng, Hon. Jane Akwero Odwong (MP Kitgum), Col. Walter Ochora and Hon. Jacob Oulanyah (MP Omoro Country).
The delegation held talks with Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo and other Court officials.
The following are statements by the Acholi delegation and by Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo.
Statement by the Acholi Leaders
Having been invited by the Chief Prosecutor, our mission to The Hague was to explain the concerns of our people about the ICC investigation currently going on in northern Uganda. We have held very successful meetings with him and now we have understood his position, mandates, independence and also the limitations he has in what he can do and what he has no control over.
Arising from these meetings, the Prosecutor was asked to address the following:
*that he is mindful of our traditional justice and reconciliation process,
*that he is also mindful of the peace process and dialogue, that is why he is continually assessing the situation,
*that whoever has already benefited from amnesty will not be investigated or prosecuted by the ICC.
Statement by the ICC Chief Prosecutor
I invited the Acholi leaders in order to hear their views about the situation in northern Uganda.
Under the Rome Statute, the Prosecutor has the responsibility to investigate and prosecute serious international crimes, taking into account the interests of victims and justice.
I am mindful of traditional justice and reconciliation processes and sensitive to the leaders’ efforts to promote dialogue between different actors in order to achieve peace.
The Prosecutor has a clear policy to focus on those who bear the greatest responsibility for the atrocities committed. I also recognize the vital role to be played by national and local leaders to achieve peace, justice and reconciliation.
We agreed on the importance of continuing this dialogue in pursuit of the common goal of ending violence.
For further information, please contact the Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor, Yves Sorokobi on Tel. +31 (0)70 515 8560
Source: Office of the Prosecutor