

Lost. Alone. Belonging nowhere, to no one. A life turned upside down.

Parents killed during the conflict. When she was just a child. Abducted, a child soldier. A child mother.

The baby's father, a commander, was also killed. So she returned ... parentless, husbandless. No house or land or clan or community. Alone with a child.

The stigma haunts her to this day. Branded a "rebel", she cannot move on. Trying to start a new relationship, she is rejected again and again. So her youngest children are fatherless, too.

She sees no future, except for her son. But he, too, is rejected, insulted. Bullied and chased from school. As a "rebel's child".

Isolated, she withdraws. The conflict stole all of her life and all of her chances.
Photo: Pete Muller for the ICC #LifeAfterConflict - Stories as told to ICC Outreach @pete_k_muller