

Sisters Tekla and Katia draw by candlelight during an electrical outage at their grandparents home in the Prezeti IDP settlement in the Republic of Georgia. They are with their father, George (center of frame), mother, Maka (left), and grandfather, Orame (in background). Electrical outages and water shortages are common in the mountainous settlement. The elder generations of the family were displaced from their home in Ukana Mkhare, in the Akhalgori region of South Ossetia.

The family had always lived on both sides of the current Administrative Boundary Line (ABL), with the girl's father, George, and his siblings moving back and forth between Caspi, on the Georgian side, and their father's homeland in Akhalgori.

The family remained through the fighting in August 2008 and held on until the situation became too hostile. Eventually, they decided to all reunite in the IDP settlement of Prezeti.
Photo: Pete Muller for the ICC #LifeAfterConflict - Stories as told to ICC Outreach @pete_k_muller