Frequently Asked Questions
Your Profile
To create a profile, you must first register with ICC eRecruitment by clicking Sign In. In order to register, you will need to enter your first and last name, a valid e-mail address, and create a user name and password. After registration, you will be taken to your Candidate Profile, where you enter your personal data, education, work experience, competencies, preferences and other requested information. All fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.
Click on the “Password Forgotten” link on the logon screen and enter your e-mail address and user name where specified. A temporary password will be e-mailed to you, which can be used to log in and establish a new password.
No. You can save the information you entered and return at a later time to finish your profile. Please note that if you do not complete your profile prior to submitting an application, your application will not be considered.
Your education profile should include all secondary and post-secondary education you have received from an accredited institution. Accredited institutions are those that have been recognized or otherwise sanctioned by competent authorities in participating countries.
ICC values your privacy and is committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of your data. Please refer to the ICC Data Privacy Statement for more details.
Yes, you can update your profile as often as you want. Note that changes made to your profile after you have submitted an application may not be taken into consideration for that vacancy.
Interns are considered external candidates for recruiting purposes, so if you are interested in future opportunities with ICC, please register with ICC eRecruitment and complete your profile as described above.
The information in your profile stays the same after you separate from ICC. However, you are no longer able to access ICC eRecruitment as an Internal Candidate. Instead, you may use the same user name and password to log in to the system as an External Candidate at . As an External Candidate you will be able to maintain your Personal and Communication Data in ICC eRecruitment, and we suggest that you update the e-mail address stored there to your personal e-mail address as soon as you are able.
Searching Vacancies
No. You may search for vacancies without logging in by clicking the Job Search link. However, you will need to register and to create and complete a profile to apply.
There are two ways to find out about current and projected staff vacancies. The first way is to search the system; jobs are grouped by functional area, level and country. Second, you can make your profile available to recruiters, even if you are not applying for a specific job. They may then contact you regarding vacancies in which you may be interested. To do this, you must complete your employment and education history (among other areas) and hit the “Release Profile” button. Given the volume of applications received, this is not a guarantee, however, that you will be contacted regarding all jobs for which you may be suitable.
The ICC Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in ICC's work under the direct supervision of experienced ICC staff. Internships are not advertised on ICC eRecruitment. For more information and to apply, click here.
Applying for Jobs
To apply for a job, you must:
- Register;
- Complete your profile;
- Go to the ‘Employment Opportunities’ tab and carry out a ‘Job Search’;
- Select your vacancy of interest, and click ‘Apply’;
- Submit your application for the vacancy selected, following system prompts.
Yes, you must submit an application for each vacancy. However, you can make your profile generally available to recruiters even if you are not applying for a specific job. They may then contact you regarding vacancies in which you may be interested. To do so, you must complete your employment and education history (among other questions) and hit the “Release Profile” button. Given the large volume of applications, this is not a guarantee, however, that you will be contacted regarding all jobs for which you may be suitable.
You are not limited in the number of vacancies to which you can apply. It is up to each candidate to review the responsibilities, competencies and qualifications required for a particular vacancy before making a decision to apply for an advertised position.
You do not need to re-do your profile each time you apply for a job. You need only submit a cover letter and other information specific to each application, if any.
ICC does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training or any other fees), nor will we request information about your bank account during recruiting. ICC is aware of various schemes, being circulated via e-mails, from Internet web sites, and via regular mail or fax, falsely stating that they are issued by or associated with ICC. These schemes may seek to extract money and in some cases personal details from the recipients of such correspondence. Such schemes are fraudulent.
The deadline for applications is determined by The Hague time (+01:00 GMT and not by your local time zone). If it has passed midnight in The Hague on the application close date, you will not be able to apply, regardless of the date and time in your current location.
When you apply for a job, the system will alert you with an onscreen confirmation and via an e-mail that your application has been received. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submitting an application, your application may not have been received. To check, please log-in to the system and click on “Overview” and then “My Applications” in the ‘Employment Opportunities’ section. If the application does not appear in your “My Applications” list, it was not received and you should try again.
Only candidates who are seriously being considered for a post are contacted for an interview. Interviewed candidates will normally be advised of the outcome once the selection process has concluded. At all times, candidates may view the status of the vacancies they have applied for by clicking on “My Applications” in the ‘Employment Opportunities’ section.
No. The release of your profile is independent of your job application. Releasing your profile only means that recruiters can search for your information, while querying in the Talent Pool. If you wish not to make part of the Talent Pool, you should keep your profile locked.
Technical Issues
The language field in your personal settings only refers to the language in the correspondence sent to you by the recruiters. That is to say, if you receive an email from us via eRecruitment, you will receive the email in the previously chosen language. If you want to change the language of the site, you must access eRecruitment from the ICC website and change to your preferred language.
There could be a number of causes. There may be a problem with your Internet connection. Please check with your Internet Service Provider. ICC eRecruitment may be experiencing high system traffic. Please try again later. You may be experiencing a problem with your browser. ICC eRecruitment currently supports Internet Explorer 6.0 (or higher), Google Chrome and Safari.
This may occur sometimes, if you leave the eRecruitment site browser’s window, open and unattended for a while. Just close the window and try accessing the site again. To avoid this, always logout from the page when finished.
Refrain from using your web browser’s back button. It does not always work as expected. Always use the back button available in the page itself or clicking on the link of the page you want to return to on top of the screen.