17 January 2019 | Defence: Blé Goudé | Response
Case: The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé
Situation: Situation in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Filed during the Trial phase
Document: English (488.72 KB | 14 Pages)
ICC-02/11-01/15-1238-Anx1, Annex 1 to the Defence Response to the Prosecution’s urgent request for suspensive effect (ICC-02/11-01/15-1236 OA14)
(23.08 MB | 328 Pages)
ICC-02/11-01/15-1238-Anx2, Annex 2 to the Defence Response to the Prosecution’s urgent request for suspensive effect (ICC-02/11-01/15-1236 OA14)
(217.45 KB | 3 Pages)
Related documents
15 January 2019, ICC-02/11-01/15-T-232-ENG ET WT 15-01-2019 1-7 SZ T
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| Trial Chamber I
16 January 2019, ICC-02/11-01/15-T-234-ENG ET WT 16-01-2019 1-6 SZ T
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| Trial Chamber I
16 January 2019, Prosecution’s Appeal pursuant to article 81(3)(c)(ii) of the Statute and urgent request for suspensive effect
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| Office of the Prosecutor
16 January 2019, Order on the filing of responses to the request of the Prosecutor for suspensive effect
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| Appeals Chamber
1 February 2019, Judgment on the Prosecutor’s appeal against the oral decision of Trial Chamber I pursuant to article 81(3)(c)(i) of the Statute
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| Appeals Chamber
21 February 2019, Judgment on the Prosecutor’s appeal against the oral decision of Trial Chamber I pursuant to article 81(3)(c)(i) of the Statute
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| Appeals Chamber
21 February 2019, Arrêt relatif à l’appel interjeté par le Procureur contre la décision rendue oralement par la Chambre de première instance I en application de l’article 81-3-c-i du Statut
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| Appeals Chamber
7 October 2019, Version publique expurgée de la « Requête de la Défense afin d’obtenir que la Chambre d’appel restitue à Laurent Gbagbo, acquitté de toutes les charges portées contre lui, l’intégralité de ses droits humains fondamentaux. ».
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| Defence: Laurent Gbagbo