Election of a representative of counsel included in the List of counsel to the Advisory Committee on Legal Texts

We are pleased to inform you of the results of the recent election of a representative of counsel from the list of counsel of the Court to the Advisory Committee on Legal Texts ("ACLT" or "Advisory Committee").The mandate of the ACLT is defined in regulation 4, sub-regulation 4, of the Regulations of the Court ("RoC"), stipulating that the Advisory Committee "shall consider and report" on proposals for amendments to the Court's core legal texts, thereby submitting a written report containing its recommendations, or on "any matter referred to it by the Presidency".

On 1 June 2018, the election process was initiated, in accordance with regulation 3 of the Regulations of the Registry ("RoR"). All the 764 counsel who had been included in the List of counsel by that date were called upon to announce their candidacy before 1 September 2018. Two persons submitted their candidacy within the deadline indicated heretofore. On 1 October 2018, a list of two candidates as well as pertinent instructions, were sent to all counsel included in the List of counsel informing inter alia that they had 30 days to cast their vote.

A panel met at the seat of the Court in The Hague, on 30 November 2018 at 10:09 hours, to verify and count the votes received. This panel consisted of the following persons:

  • Ms. Samira Hamzic, Administrative Assistant, Secretariat of Disciplinary Organs for counsel, ICC
  • Mr. Pieter Vanaverbeke,  Head, Legal Aid Unit, Counsel Support Section,
  • Ms. Lois Lesot, Intern/Visiting Professional, Office of the Director, Division of Judicial Services, 
  • Mr. Dominic Kennedy, Executive Director, International Criminal Court Bar Association

The Registry had received 122 envelopes (i.e. ballots), 1 (one) of which was sent, according to the courier slip, on 22 November 2018, therefore rendering it invalid. Upon verification, the panel noted that, of the remaining 121 envelopes, seventy six (76) ballots did not include proof of identity and, as such, these were declared null and void. The panel then proceeded to count the votes.

The 45 votes counted were expressed as follows:

  • TOWNSEND, Gregory - 30 (votes obtained)
  • TSILONIS, Victor - 15 (votes obtained)

The elected candidate is thus Mr. Gregory TOWNSEND.  In accordance with regulation 3, sub-regulations 2 and 3, of the RoR, Mr. Townsend shall serve as a representative of counsel included in the List of counsel to the Advisory Committee for a period of three (3) years.

The Registrar benefits from this occasion to renew his congratulations to the elected candidate, and to thank all counsel who participated in this important election.

The Registrar also takes this opportunity to express his utmost appreciation to Mr. Yaré FALL for his participation and contribution to the important work of the ACLT as the outgoing representative of counsel from the List of counsel to the Advisory Committee.