Information for victims

Information for victims

The warrant of arrest for Mr Kony was issued in 2005; however, the suspect, Joseph Kony, is still at large. On 4 March 2024, Pre-Trial Chamber II issued a decision on the Prosecutor’s request to hold a confirmation of charges hearing in the absence of Mr Kony, should he not be arrested and/or surrender. On 29 October 2024, Pre-Trial Chamber III decided that all the requirements to hold a confirmation of charges hearing in the absence of Mr Kony were met. The Chamber found that the confirmation of charges hearing in absentia will provide an opportunity for the victims to participate at this stage of the proceedings by expressing their views and concerns. On 12 December 2024, the ICC judges scheduled the confirmation of charges hearing to start on 9 September 2025, in the absence of the suspect. On 13 December 2024, the Chamber decided on the modalities and specifications on victims’ participation for confirmation of charges hearing.

Additionally, the Judges appointed Mr Joseph Akwenyu Manoba, Mr Francisco Cox, Mr Paul Bradfield, as well as Ms Paolina Massidda and Ms Sarah Pellet from the Office of Public Counsel for the Victims (OPCV), as a single team of common legal representatives (CLRV) of any victims admitted by the Judges to participate in the proceedings. However, the mandate of the CLRV will begin only after the issuance of the decision on applications for victim participation based on the updated document containing the charges to be communicated by the Prosecutor by 17 April 2025. In the meantime, the Chamber assigned the OPCV to represent the collective interests of potential victims until the mandate of the CLRV takes effect.


Direct and indirect victims who suffered harm as a result of the crimes alleged against Mr Kony can apply to participate in the Kony Case. The current Document Containing the Charges will be updated by 17 April 2025, and it will be the basis to assess all applications in the Kony Case.

Based on the current DCC, direct victims are:

  1. Individuals who suffered harm as a result of the crimes committed in the context of the attacks on seven IDP camps and the Lwala Girls School:

    • Lwala Girls School – on or about 24 June 2003;
    • Pajule and Lapul IDP Camp – on or about 10 October 2003;
    • Abia IDP Camp – on or about 4 February 2004;
    • Barlonyo IDP Camp – on or about 21 February 2004;
    • Odek IDP Camp – on or about 29 April 2004;
    • Pagak IDP Camp – on or about 16 May 2004;
    • Lukodi IDP Camp – on or about 19 May 2004;
    • Abok IDP Camp – on or about 8 June 2004.
  2. Organisations or institutions that, in the attacks listed above, sustained direct harm to their property dedicated to religion, education, art or science or charitable purposes, or their historic monuments, hospitals and other places and objects for humanitarian purposes.

  3. Children under the age of 18 (including children under the age of 15 and children born in captivity) abducted and integrated into the LRA in northern Uganda, including Acholi, Lango and Teso areas, between 1 July 2002 and 31 December 2005. 

  4. Female victims abducted and integrated into the LRA in northern Uganda, including Acholi, Lango and Teso areas, between 1 July 2002 and 31 December 2005.

  5. A female victim of crimes directly committed by Mr Kony between July 2003 and September 2004 in northern Uganda and subsequently in Sudan.

Indirect victims are: individuals who suffered personal harm as a result of crime(s) committed against a direct victim. Indirect victims may include: (1) the family members of direct victims; (2) anyone who attempted to prevent the commission of the crimes; (3) individuals who suffered harm when helping or intervening on behalf of direct victims; and (4) other persons who have suffered personal harm as a result of the crimes.


Victims in the Kony case who have never applied to participate in any ICC proceedings in the Uganda Situation before can fill in an application form for participation and send it to the Victims Participation and Reparations Section (VPRS).

The Chamber ruled that victims can use for their application the combined standard application form provided by the Registry, for individuals and organisations. You will find LINKS TO THESE FORMS IN THE BOX BELOW.

Additionally, the Chamber approved a group form. Only family members of the same household and where all members have experiences similar crimes/harm have been allowed to use the group form. It is important to fill in only one form per victim or per group of victims, in order to avoid duplication. If you envisage to fill such a form on behalf of a group of victims that has suffered similar harm, please contact the VPRS at [email protected] or by phone (or WhatsApp) at +256771406331 or +256772532830 (VPRS staff in the Uganda country office)

Application Form for Individuals (PDF)


Guidelines for Application Form for Individuals (PDF)


Online version of the victim application form


Key Messages


Application Form for Organizations (PDF)


Guidelines for Application Form for  Organizations



The Chamber authorised the Registry to transmit Group C applications by no later than 30 June 2025 and Group A and B applications by no later than 18 July 2025. Consequently, victims are urgently encouraged to fill out the application form below as soon as possible with the help of VPRS either through contact details at HQ or the Kampala CO colleagues. In order to allow some time to the VPRS to process this information and prepare a report for the Judges within the relevant deadlines, complete forms should be provided to the VPRS by 1 June 2025, at the latest. For forms and victim information submitted thereafter, a participatory status of the victim at the present stage (pre-trial hearing) cannot be guaranteed; but the Registry will receive and keep all forms and information thus received for the participation of victims in potential further stages of proceedings including reparations in case of a conviction.