Statement by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on her Office’s mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 16 to 20 October 2016
The Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC") is a Situation country where, since 2004, my Office has been carrying out investigations into, and prosecutions against, the perpetrators of crimes falling under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (the "ICC" or the "Court"); to date, these have led to the issuance of six warrants of arrest.
As I stressed in my previous statements, the situation in the DRC for the past few weeks raises concerns, particularly the events and certain alleged acts which took place in Kinshasa in September 2016. There is no place for violence.
These alleged acts, widely reported nationally and internationally, are sources of serious concern, and prompted my statement of 23 September 2016 on the recent violence in Kinshasa.
I am determined to steadfastly press ahead with our efforts in the DRC in accordance with my Office's mandate. I would like to emphasise once more that nothing can justify the commission of acts proscribed by the Rome Statute, irrespective of time or location. Criminal violence is not an option: it cannot be tolerated, regardless of source or perpetrator.
Bolstered by this determination, I sent a delegation from my Office to the DRC to reiterate in situ my call to all parties potentially involved, and to all Congolese actors, irrespective of their official status or political affiliation, to show restraint, and ensure in particular that they, their supporters, sympathisers and agents refrain, at all times and in all locations, from committing any act of criminal violence against individuals and property, and take the necessary measures to prevent the commission of such acts.
My 23 September statement and this mission from my Office are part of a set of measures I have taken to establish our monitoring of the situation in the DRC, where we are continuing our work. It is imperative that all activities and actions in the territory of the DRC, irrespective of their actors, nature or form, be conducted with the utmost restraint and sense of responsibility, and that any violent act contrary to the Rome Statute be avoided at all times.
I reiterate that anyone who commits, orders, incites, encourages, or contributes in any other way to the commission of crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC is liable to criminal prosecution. My Office will not hesitate to take all appropriate steps to bring to justice those responsible in accordance with the principle of complementarity.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who met the delegation from my Office during its mission, including members of the DRC Government, Congolese political and judicial authorities, representatives of the political parties involved in national dialogue, civil society, and the media.
The Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC conducts independent and impartial preliminary examinations, investigations and prosecution of the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Office has been conducting investigations in: Uganda; the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Darfur, Sudan; the Central African Republic (two separate investigations); Kenya; Libya; Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Georgia. The Office is also conducting preliminary examinations relating to the situations in Afghanistan; Burundi; the registered vessels of Comoros, Greece and Cambodia; Colombia; Gabon; Guinea; Iraq/UK; Palestine, Nigeria and Ukraine.
Mboka République démocratique du Congo (RDC) ezali esika oyo bureau nangai ezali kosala mosala mwa boluki bilembo banda 2004 mpe kolandela ba oyo bazali kosala mbeba ya somo oyo ezali na kati ya Statut ya Roma ya Cour Pénale Internationale (« CPI » to « Esambiselo »), oyo esalaki ete na mokolo mwa lelo mandats d'arrêt motoba etindama.
Lolenge nabetaki sete na mayebisi nangai ya liboso, eloko ezali koleka na RDC uta mwa baposo eleki, ezali kotia bato mitema likolo, mingi mingi, makambo oyo masalemaki na Kinshasa na sanza ya libwa 2016, pe bizaleli moko oyo esalemaki na tango wana, mobulu ezali na esika te.
Makambo wana elobami mingi na kati pe na libanda ya mboka, etungisi penza mitema mia bato, yango wana nasalaki liyebisi lya le 23 sanza ya libwa likolo ya mobulu oyo esalemaki na Kinshasa.
Nazali penza na mokano ya kolanda mosala tozali kosala na RDC, engebene na bokonzi bwa bureau nangai. Tika nakebisa lisusu ete eloko moko te ekoki kopesa nzela na bosali makambo maye mapekisami na kati ya Statut ya Roma, ezala bisika nini pe tango nini. Mobulu ya koboma bato ezali nzela malamu te, ekoki kondimama te, atako ewuti wapi, ata soki nkolo na yango azali moto ya lolenge nini.
Yango na molende wana nde nawuti kotinda bantoma ba bureau nangai na RDC po ete bakende na mboka wana bayebisa polele pe kozongela mbela nangai na baoyo nyonso bamonani ete bazalaki na kati ya makambo wana, elongo na bacongolais nyonso oyo bakoki kozala na kati ya makambowana; ata soki bazali bakonzi ya minene ya leta to ya bapartis politiques, po balakisa ete babendi nzoto pe emonana ya solo ete bango moko, elongo na balandi nabango, na ba oyo balingaka bango, pe na bato na bango ya mosala batika, bisika nyonso pe tango nyonso, kosala mobulu ya kobomaq bato pe kobebisa biloko, pe basala nyonso oyo elongobani po na kopekisa bosalemi bwa likambo liye
Liyebisi nangai ya le 23 sanza ya libwa nabotindami bwa bantoma ya bureau nangai na RDC ezali kolakisa mokano nazuaki ya kobakisa bokengeli bwa makambo na RDC esika tozali kokoba kosala. Esengeli ete misala nyonso, makambo nyonso na kati ya mboka RDC, ata soki esalemi na moto nini, ezala ya lolenge nini to ya ndenge nini, esalema na limemia pe na bobangi mibeko ; pe bizaleli nyonso ya mobulu oyo epekisami na kati ya Statut ya Roma, esalema ata moke te na tango nyonso pe bisika binso.
Tika nayebisa lisusu ete moto nyonso akosala mbeba, akotinda, akosengenia, akolendisa, to akopesa maboko na lolenge nyonso na kati ya kosala mbeba oyo ezali na nse ya bokonzi ya CPI, akoki kolandema pe kofundama ; pe Bureau ekobukana ata moke te po nakozua mikano oyo esengeli po na kofunda bato oyo basali mbeba engebene na mobeko mwa kosungana.
Napesi matondo na baye banso bakutanaki na bantoma nangai tango bazalaki kuna, na eleko'ango bantoma na ngai bakutanaki na bakonzi ya leta ya RDC, bayi politiki, bakonzi ya bosembo, bantoma ya bapartis politiques oyo bazalaki na kati ya dialogue national, elongo na société civile, na bapanzi sango.
Bureau ya Procureur ya CPI esalaka mosala ya kotala liboso, ya koluka bilembo na ya kofunda po na mbeba ya génocide, mbeba ya bobomi bato ebele na mbeba ya bobomi bato na kati ya bitumba na lipanda lionso pe kokotela moto moko te. Bureau ya Procureur ezali na tango oyo kosala mosala mwa koluka bilembo na mboka Côte d'Ivoire, na Darfour (Soudan), na Géorgie, na Kenya, na Lybie, na Mali, na Ouganda, na République Centrafricaine (boluki bilembo na makambo mibale ekeseni), pe na République Démocratique du Congo. Bureau ezali pe kosala misala ya kotala bilembo liboso na makambo etali mboka Afghanistan, na Burundi, na Colombie, na Gabon, na Guinée, na Iraq/Royaume Uni, na Nigéria, na Palestine, pe na Ukraine pe ma likambo etali babwato oyo endindaka na mayi oyo ekomami na mikanda ya ba mboka Comores, Grèce na Cambodge.