Information: 15 August 2024

ICC publishes questionnaire on Revised Victims Strategy


The International Criminal Court (ICC) is in the process of reviewing its Victims Strategy in relation to victims to align with their evolving needs and challenges.  

To accomplish the revision of the Court’s Victims Strategy, whose latest version dates back to 2012, the ICC Registry welcomes and highly encourages the contribution of external actors such as NGOs, civil society organisations, and other interested parties with expertise in the matter. These contributions will play a crucial role in the development of a Revised Victims Strategy, jointly with the observations of the Court’s internal actors.

The consultation process encompasses the completion of a questionnaire, seeking to identify existing shortcomings within the Court’s current approach to victims. 

The questionnaire focuses on four areas of interest:

1.    Communication and Information to Victims 
2.    Victims’ Access to the Rome Statute System
3.    Meaningful Participation and Representation
4.    Effective Reparation and Assistance

The questionnaire will be available from 15 August until 30  September 2024  and can be completed in in English and French. The questionnaire can be found at:

The Court strongly welcomes the expression of experts’ views on the matter.

Background: The Assembly of State Parties requested the ICC to update its strategy in relation to victims to align with the evolving needs and challenges they face. Following the considerations of the Independent Expert Review and the Independent Oversight Mechanism, the scope of the Updated Revised Strategy 2024 will encompass a comprehensive examination of organizational processes and their relevance, coherence, reach, accessibility, effectiveness, efficiency, and gender sensitivity to facilitate victims' participation in relevant Court activities. The identified key objectives are (1) Incorporating jurisprudential and procedural developments, (2) Prioritizing a victims-centric approach, (3) Facilitating organizational collaboration, (4) Promoting early engagement and intervention, and (5) Ensuring oversight and alignment. 

The ICC was established to ensure that the gravest crimes of concern to the international community do not go unpunished, and at the core of this mission is the recognition of the immense suffering endured by victims. The State Parties agreed to the Rome Statute while “Mindful that during this century millions of children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity”, as the Preamble declares. Victims are not just participants in the Court’s processes, they are at the very heart of its mission. Their testimonies, experiences, and perspectives are invaluable in uncovering the truth and holding perpetrators accountable. The Court places a high priority on safeguarding victims' rights and dignity, which is the reason why it is fundamental that the Courts follows a strategy to ensures that the victims are not only heard but also meaningfully involved in every stage of the proceedings.

For further information, please contact Fadi El Abdallah, Spokesperson and Head of Public Affairs Unit, International Criminal Court, by telephone at: +31 (0)70 515-9152 or +31 (0)6 46448938 or by e-mail at: [email protected]

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