Press Release: 20 June 2006

ICC - Election of Mr Arthur N.R. Robinson to the Board of Directors of the Victims Trust Fund


Press Release

Election of Mr Arthur N.R. Robinson to the Board of Directors of the Victims Trust Fund

ICC-ASP-20060620-139 English

On 16 May 2006, the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties elected by consensus Mr. Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson of Trinidad and Tobago to fill the vacancy in the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for the benefit of victims which corresponds to the seat allocated to the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States. Only one nomination had been received by the closing date of the two-week nomination period fixed by the Bureau from 24 April to 7 May 2006.

Mr. Robinson is Former President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. He has been a determined and continuous advocate for the establishment of a permanent international criminal court for many years. In December 1989, as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Mr. Robinson reintroduced to the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly the need for the establishment of the Court. Thereafter, he has supported the efforts to bring the Court into existence at various levels and continued to call for the adoption and entry into force of the Rome Statute.

The term of office for which Mr. Robinson was elected shall end during the fifth session of the Assembly, scheduled to take place from 23 November to 1 December 2006, when it will hold elections for the Board of Directors. 

Biographical Note of Mr Arthur N.R. Robinson