Press Release: 24 October 2003

ICC - Documentaries Festival: International Justice, Four Documentaries about Justice around the World


Press Release

Documentaries Festival: International Justice, Four Documentaries about Justice around the World



The French Embassy, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Filmhuis Den Haag have come together to present a selection of four films on different aspects of justice around the world, from 12 November to 1 December 2003 in The Hague. These films have been chosen by Mr Philippe Kirsch, President of the ICC, Mr Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor, and Mr Bruno Cathala, Registrar. They were selected from a series of 14 videos assembled by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark the election of the Judges of the ICC in February 2003. From France to the United States, through South Africa, Madagascar and India, the videos of this series highlight different aspects of justice. They also examine the possibilities of delivering justice humanely and fairly at the beginning of the 21st century.

After an opening ceremony that will take place on 12 November, three screenings are scheduled for 17 and 24 November and 1 December at the Filmhuis Den Haag. The film chosen by the Prosecutor is The Law of the Weakest, a film telling the story of the setting up of the “Open Court” – a place of justice in the open air for the poor and by the poor (to be screen on 17 November 2003). The film chosen by the Registrar is A Specialist, a judicial documentary edited from the 350 hours of original film taken during the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem in 1961 (to be screen on 24 November). Rony Brauman, co-director of Un spécialiste and co-founder of the humanitarian medical aid agency Médecins sans frontières, will participate in the debate that will follow the screening of this film. Finally, the film chosen by the President, entitled Hearings, traces how the media covered the trial of Maurice Papon, one of the greatest trials in French history (to be screen on 1st December).

After the screening, the public will have the opportunity to meet representatives of the ICC in order to debate different aspects of international justice and discuss the functioning of the ICC, an institution which will profoundly change the way in which genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are prosecuted.

Through this common initiative, the wish of the organisers is to disseminate information regarding the ICC, which is based in The Hague. Everyone should be aware of its importance and of its fundamental role in prosecuting the perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, both today and in the future.


12 NOVEMBER 2003, AT 19 H 30 and 21 H 45            THE CHOICE OF THE COURT

2000 – 52’ – Yves BILLY

This documentary tells the story of the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Starting almost from scratch, a group of lawyers committed to justice for crimes against humanity succeeded in convincing a number of states that these exceptional measures could and should become permanent. The ICTY and ICTR were the necessary first steps towards the creation of a permanent International Criminal Court designed to end impunity for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

17 NOVEMBER 2003, AT 20 H 00                      THE CHOICE OF THE PROSECUTOR

2000 - 52' - Elisabeth DUBREUIL

In the Gujarat region of India, where 90% of the population is of tribal origin, one man has set up a tribunal for the most downtrodden of India’s peoples – the Tribes, the first inhabitants of the country. This film tells the story of the setting up of the “Open Court” – a place of justice in the open air for the poor and by the poor. Aimed at settling disputes through compromise by the use of dialogue and non-violence, the court dispenses justice, but also promotes peace and harmony in a community excluded by Indian society.

24 NOVEMBER 2003, AT 20 H 00                           THE CHOICE OF THE REGISTRAR
With the presence of Rony Brauman

1999 - 120' - Eyal Sivan and Ronny Brauman

A judicial drama edited from the 350 hours of original film taken during the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem in 1961. The film traces the career of an ordinary man, specialist in emigration and transport, dedicated civil servant, keen student of official dossiers and efficient administration. Neither ideologue nor bloodthirsty criminal, this ordinary man orchestrated the deportation of millions to the concentration camps of the Third Reich.

1st DECEMBER 2003, AT 20 H 00                        THE CHOICE OF THE PRESIDENT

2000 - 100' - Rafael LEWANDOWSKI

Filmed during the six-month trial of Papon, this video depicts the coverage by journalists, reporters and court artists of one of the greatest trials in French history. The film shows how journalists, effectively working as a closed group, agreed or disagreed on information, and how they dealt with the length of the trial and the editorial pressure they were subjected to. Interviews with journalists and lawyers for both prosecution and defence give unique insights into the trial. “Hearings” lays bare the ins and outs of both the judicial process and the journalist’s profession.



PLACE: Filmhuis Den Haag; Spui 191; The Hague; The Netherlands
OPENING HOURS: Ticket office is opened daily from 13:00; Saturday from 17:00

RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION: Daily from 13:00, Saturday from 17:00 via telephone number: (+31) 070-3656030

PRICES: € 6,
1 € discount will be offered to holders of a valid <26 youth card and senior citizens card
65 +/volunteers card/”Uitpas”


Wednesday 12 November at 19:30          Opening session (invitation only) 
Wednesday 12 November at 21:45          Le Combat des Juges
Monday 17 November at 20:00                  La loi des plus faibles
Monday 24 November at 20:00                  Un spécialiste
Monday 1 December at 20:00                    Audiences des journalistes au procès Papon