Fifteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court
The Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ("the Assembly") will hold its fifteenth session from 16 to 24 November 2016 at the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Journalists wishing to cover the session and related events must submit an official letter of assignment or copy of their press card along with the completed accreditation form to the Secretariat (by e-mail to [email protected] or by fax to: +31-70-515-8376).
The application period for accreditation starts on Tuesday, 1 November and closes on Wednesday, 23 November at 17:00 hours CET.
Press badges will be issued and handed out at the World Forum to journalists that have received accreditation upon presentation of a passport or a valid ID with photo. Only those representatives of the media possessing press badges will be given access to meetings and special events that will be open to the media.
Accredited correspondents are permitted access to open meetings in designated areas within the conference room. However, according to rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Assembly may decide that if exceptional circumstances arise, its meetings may be held in private.
Media crews interested in filming inside the World Forum Convention Center are kindly reminded that they should always liaise with the focal point from the Secretariat of the Assembly, Ms. Estera Luteranova, in order to obtain film authorization from the President of the Assembly, after which they would be escorted to the area reserved for that purpose. Any other requests for filming, particularly on the floor of the conference room where the Assembly is convening its session, should be cleared through the focal point from the Secretariat.
Audio/video recordings are permitted only during plenary meetings of the Assembly, which include general debate. There might be limitations on video/audio recording depending on whether any voting takes place during the session. If that is the case, film crews might be required to move to the part of the conference room from where the confidentiality of the vote would not be compromised.
Further information about the fifteenth session can be found on the Assembly website, including media guidelines, provisional work programme and the daily ASP Journal.
For additional information please contact Ms. Estera Luteranova at +31 655 274 638 or via e-mail at [email protected].