Press Release: 19 March 2009

Constitution of ICC Pre-Trial Chambers and assignment of the Central African Republic situation to Pre-Trial Chamber II


Today, following the assignment of the judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to the three judicial divisions of the Court, the Presidency issued a decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Central African Republic situation. The decision was made in accordance with article 39 of the Rome Statute and regulation 46 of the Regulations of the Court.

The Presidency dissolved Pre-Trial Chamber III and decided that the composition of Pre-Trial Chambers I and II would be respectively as follows:

Pre-Trial Chamber I

  • Judge Sylvia Steiner (Brazil)
  • Judge Sanji Mmasenono Monageng (Botswana)
  • Judge Cuno Tarfusser (Italy)

Pre-Trial Chamber II

  • Judge Hans-Peter Kaul (Germany), Second Vice-President of the Court
  • Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova (Bulgaria)
  • Judge Fumiko Saiga (Japan)

The Presidency assigned the situation in the Central African Republic to Pre‑Trial Chamber II. It further decided that the assignment of the situations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Darfur-Sudan, and in Uganda would remain unchanged.

For further information please contact Ms Laurence Blairon, Spokesperson, at +31 (0)70 515 87 14 or +31 (0) 6 46 44 88 89 or at [email protected]